Always Improve Your Foxhole
In 1996 I was attending One Station Unit Training (OSUT) at Fort Benning, Georgia to become an Infantryman for the United States Army. After basic training, we transitioned directly into Advanced Individual Training (AIT) with no fanfare and no graduation. We woke up and were congratulated by our Drill Instructors and training continued.
It was during the instructional period of building and improving our foxholes for defensive operations that one of the Drill Instructors said to the group, “You can always improve your foxhole”.
The Drill Instructor meant it as a teaching point, meaning that vegetation dies, trails are made, and overhead cover deteriorates, so you must always improve your foxhole.
I took this teaching point and made it my life’s mantra if you will, my motivation as I complete my daily tasks.
“You can always improve your foxhole”.
When I took over a sector in Afghanistan for training Afghanistan National Police. I conducted an assessment of what the training level was and how it could be improved upon.
When I started working in a lab setting and noticed what improvements could be made to make everyone’s work more efficient. I informed my management what I was going to do and got it done.
I don’t wait to be told to do something, I know that I can always improve my foxhole.
I have been a part of Project RELO since 2017 and I absolutely love educating corporations on the value that Veterans bring to organizations. Being a part of Project RELO has allowed me to help leaders, executives and Veterans improve their foxholes. Now Project RELO has opened up an avenue for all of us to improve our foxholes.
I am fascinated and excited about Task Force Tribute, our Military has humbiling and fantastic memorials and monuments around the globe. These memorials and monuments are inspirering and have many stories behind them. Task Force Tribute is improving our foxhole by creating the first ever Vitual Memorial.
I want to be apart of this, I want to share my story so that I can always improve my foxhole and that others can do the same.